Check out the video our 5th graders created and produced with analogies between the parts of a river and their own lives.
What's New at Prescott Elementary
‘Midwest Menu’ in Schools,
Oct. 6
The Dubuque Community School District will join school districts across the Midwest in celebrating the third-annual Midwest Menu event on Thursday, Oct. 6. Over 7,000 students in Dubuque and over 500,000 throughout the region will join in the event, which celebrates healthy, regional, and sustainable school meals.
Prescott Crew
This year we started Prescott Crew. The students are on crews with students from different grade levels. Mrs. Sullivan read the Dot by Peter Reynolds during our first Crew lesson. She encouraged the student to go out and make their mark. #wearecrew
VIDEO: First Day of School 2016
This school year is now in full swing — and it all started with day one. Check out this year’s first day of school video:
5th Grade Instrument Try Out
Our 5th grade students had the opportunity to try instruments today. If your 5th grade student is interested in playing a musical instrument, please follow the link to get them signed up today. Also, please join us at Washington Middle School at 6:30pm Tuesday, September 6th for a family meeting to answer any questions you may have about the program.
Student Art Featured in June 2016 Digital Fringe
The June edition of Digital Fringe, an online gallery of student art in the Dubuque Community School District, is now live!
View the Elementary School Gallery
View the Middle and High School Gallery
This gallery is a way to highlight the remarkable products of art education in the district. It’s a digital attempt at bringing the work of our student artists at all levels into your home – because art is created for others to take in.
5th Grade Slideshow
Below is the 5th Grade slide show that was presented at the 5th grade Dolphin Gathering on May 27th.
Farewell to Ms. McCarron
Ms. McCarron is moving onto her next adventure. To honor her, the staff and students created this slideshow. We can’t thank her enough for the impact she has made on the students, staff and families at Prescott.